The occupational wellness dimension involves participating in activities hat provide meaning and purpose and reflect personal values, interest and beliefs, including employment.
- Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for members returning to work in a local business and industry. Transitional Employment is specifically designed as a vocational rehabilitation program where a member can gain or re-gain the skills and confidence necessary to have a job while employed in a “real world” position. The only requirement for the member to participate in Transitional Employment is the expressed desire to work.
- Placements are at the employer’s place of business and are part-time (15-20 hours per week)
- Placements include a lot of on-the-job and off-site support from Clubhouse staff and other members.
- Placements generally last from six to nine months. Members can then try another placement or move on to independent employment.
- Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for members returning to work in a local business and industry. Transitional Employment is specifically designed as a vocational rehabilitation program where a member can gain or re-gain the skills and confidence necessary to have a job while employed in a “real world” position. The only requirement for the member to participate in Transitional Employment is the expressed desire to work.
- Supported Employment is a program where there is an understanding between the employer, the member, and the Clubhouse that the staff will support both the member and the employer in their work relationship. Although the job belongs to the member, the employer is awarding the position based on the idea that the member can do the work and that he or she will have help from the Clubhouse. help from the Clubhouse to apply for and obtain a job of their own.
- Clubhouse staff provide support for the employer by helping on-site with the orientation and training for the member on the job
- They make visits to the job site to encourage and assist the member on a regular basis at first, and eventually on an as needed basis.
- They have regular contact (visit, email or telephone) with the employer to discuss the member’s performance and the employer’s level of satisfaction, which helps maintain this consistency of support.
- Independent Employment is a program of the Clubhouse through which members, when ready, are given help from the Clubhouse to apply for and obtain a job of their own.
- The Clubhouse provides ongoing support and encouragement for members who are independently employed.
- There is no on-site support at the place of business for members who are independently employed; all of the support takes place at the Clubhouse or in the community.
Our Clubhouse offers Employment Programs under the Clubhouse International Standards:
Employment ensures that Clubhouses offer members organized, effective strategies for moving into and maintaining gainful employment. Members have access to: 21. The Clubhouse enables its members to return to paid work through Transitional Employment, Supported Employment and Independent Employment; therefore, the Clubhouse does not provide employment to members through in-house businesses, segregated Clubhouse enterprises or sheltered workshops. Transitional Employment 22. The Clubhouse offers its own Transitional Employment program, which provides as a right of membership opportunities for members to work on job placements in the labor market. As a defining characteristic of a Clubhouse Transitional Employment program, the Clubhouse guarantees coverage on all placements during member absences. In addition the Transitional Employment program meets the following basic criteria. a. The desire to work is the single most important factor determining placement opportunity. b. Placement opportunities will continue to be available regardless of the level of success in previous placements. c. Members work at the employer’s place of business. d. Members are paid the prevailing wage rate, but at least minimum wage, directly by the employer. e. Transitional Employment placements are drawn from a wide variety of job opportunities. f. Transitional Employment placements are part-time and time-limited, generally 15 to 20 hours per week and from six to nine months in duration. g. Selection and training of members on Transitional Employment is the responsibility of the Clubhouse, not the employer. h. Clubhouse members and staff prepare reports on TE placements for all appropriate agencies dealing with members’ benefits. i. Transitional Employment placements are managed by Clubhouse staff and members and not by TE specialists. j. There are no TE placements within the Clubhouse. Transitional Employment placements at an auspice agency must be off site from the Clubhouse and meet all of the above criteria. Supported and Independent Employment 23. The Clubhouse offers its own Supported and Independent Employment Programs to assist members to secure, sustain, and better their employment. As a defining characteristic of Clubhouse Supported Employment, the Clubhouse maintains a relationship with the working member and the employer. Members and staff in partnership determine the type, frequency and location of desired supports. 24. Members who are working independently continue to have available all Clubhouse supports and opportunities as well as participation in evening and weekend programs.
If you are a member looking for work, please join US for:
- Career Builder’s Mtg, Wednesday at 2pm at the Clubhouse or on ZOOM